House Buyers KC Real Estate Mentoring

If you’re interested in learning how you can automate your real estate business and outsource more of the routine tasks in the day to day operations so you’ll have more time to focus on revenue generating activities, click on the button below to book a free 15 minute initial consultation appointment. 

Book an appointment with House Buyers KC using SetMore

Here is an outline of topics we cover with our mentoring students.

    1. Intro to real estate investing
    2. Setting up your office automation and call center
      1. Phone system setup
      2. Online appointment system
      3. Call center setup
    3. Determining your investment strategy and setting goals
      1. Wholesaling
      2. Buy and hold
      3. Prehab and sell on MLS As-Is
      4. Renovate and retail
    4. Identifying your area
      1. Meeting with realtors
      2. Custom map of your area
      3. Selecting your target area
    5. Building your list of motivated sellers
      1. Advertising
      2. Direct mail
      3. Newspaper
      4. TV advertisements
      5. Billboards
    1. Analyzing leads
    2. Calling sellers
    1. The appointment
      1. Canceling appointments
      2. Up Front Contract
      3. Meet and greet
      4. Bonding and rapport
      5. Goal/pain review
      6. Asking for a comitment
      7. Property tour
        1. Photographing the property
        2. Repair estimate
    1. Asking for a commitment.
        1. Presenting options and agreeing on process
          1. Option 1 agree on offer now and bring contractors later offer may change.
          2. Option 2 Bring contractors in and get bids and agree on a firm offer after.
        2. Deal analysis and offer preperation
          1. Researching
        3. Presenting offer
        4. Negotiation
        5. Contracting with sellers

Book an appointment with House Buyers KC using SetMore
